5 Instagram Red Flags That Scream “Approach with Caution!”

Don’t judge a book by the cover, but definitely judge a person by their Instagram, ok not entirely. It’s 2018 people, the days of asking…

5 Subtle Signs She’s Into You

Flirting is never straightforward, especially when you’re uncertain if the girl you’re talking to is only into you as a friend or something more. Told…

6 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You

Men are hunters by nature, prowling on the pursuit to hunt down what they desire. This reality dates all the way back to the caveman…

3 Ways to Get Over Someone You Almost Dated

Remember the person you used to text all the time? The one you hooked up with a few times? The one who stopped responding all…

6 Dating Resolutions for Every Twenty-Something

There’s no easy way to say it: Dating is hard. I mean, sure, you can go to a bar and chat up a stranger or…

5 Things to Leave Behind in 2017

If there’s one thing most of us can agree on, it’s that 2017 was a year like no other (take it how you will). For…

7 Christmas Gift Ideas That Won’t Break Your Wallet

It’s that wonderful time of the year again — cue the Justin Bieber Christmas Album, caramel brûlée lattes from Starbucks, smell of fresh pine tree…